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2023 International Shipbuilding and Marine Industry Exhibition (KORMARINE) (23.10.24~23.10.27)

November.03.2023 EDT

Motortronics International Korea participated in the international shipbuilding and marine industry exhibition "KORMARINE 2023" held at BEXCO in Busan from October 24 to 27, 2023.

Held every other year under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Busan City, KOTRA, Korea Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Association, and Korea Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Industry Cooperative, Komarin marks its 23rd anniversary this year as the world's largest exhibition of Top five shipbuilding and equipment. This year's event was attended by 900 companies from 40 countries around the world.

In particular, in line with the trend of tightening environmental regulations on ships, such as greenhouse gas emission regulations, MotorTronics put forward the slogan "Energy Saving Soft Starter.", introduced its MV Softstarter technology and products to domestic and international customers. We introduced products that focus on maximizing motor operation efficiency when using soft starters for 'compressors', 'Bow thruster', 'Stern thruster', etc. among ship parts.

▲ 모터트로닉스 부스 전경.

▲ 모터트로닉스 임직원들의 단체 사진.

▲ 모터트로닉스 홍병수 대표이사가 방문객에게 제품을 설명하고 있다.


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